Bucket List

This is a part of me. I've had this list since middle school I think. I believe everyone has dreams like this and everyone should be able to fulfill their childhood dreams. A lot don't accomplish them for whatever reason. To me that is a very very sad thought. So I'm sharing mine in hopes that it inspires you to make your own. I've learned that writing down your goals in life improves your chances of accomplishing them. Pull out a scratch paper and put down whatever is on your mind, it doesn't matter how childish how cheesy, this is your deal. Don't be ashamed. Then you share yours with everyone your hold deal. Hopefully... someday... we may all accomplish our dreams, even if you did what to be a Power Ranger all your life. 

Things to Do Before I’m 32

  1. Get my picture on a Jones bottle CHECK
  2. Be in the Price Is Right audience
  3. Go to the Himalayas
  4.  Chase my ancestry- Both Sides
  5.  Make someone happy for eternity
  6. Continue to be abstinent
  7. Laugh till I cry
  8. Watch at least 50 of AFI’s 100 greatest films
  9. Ride a Ducati on the Autobahn
  10. Graduate from Culinary School
  11. Witness a UNC vs. Duke game
  12. Name a Star
  13. Sing a solo in front of a crowd
  14. Go Skydiving (of course) on my own
  15. Be a missionary by my own terms
  16. Go Skinny-Dippin CHECK
  17. Tomato Tomatee
  18. Have a meeting about rainbows
  19. Go to the four corners
  20. Try competitive log rolling
  21. Fly in a Hot-Air balloon CHECK
  22. Witness the Northern Lights
  23. Never give up on Basketball
  24. Finish an IronMan

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